As per the mandate conferred upon the National AIDS Commission through the UNAIDS “three one’s principle”, the Commission should receive reports from all partners in the national HIV response with a view to ensuring that the Commission produces a more comprehensive account of the progress achieved towards the ultimate goal of eliminating HIV and AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. The Commission, through the Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation and Research (PMER) Department produces various reports for the global and local audience. The following are the reports generated or commissioned by the National AIDS Commission:
Independent Review Team (IRT) Report
Every year, NAC commissions an independent review to provide an independent opinion on the performance of the national HIV and AIDS response. The review is conducted by a team comprising local and international consultants with vast expertise in programme planning, evaluation and impact assessment. The findings of the review form part of the deliberations during the annual joint stakeholder reviews of HIV and AIDS response.
Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) Report
This report supplant the Global AIDS Response Progress Report (GARPR) which was hitherto a monitoring mechanism for the commitments made under the 2011 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS during a high level meeting on AIDS. The GAM serves as a mechanism for tracking progress on the fresh commitments made during a high level meeting in 2016 under the 2016 Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS: On the Fast-Track to Accelerate the Fight against HIV and AIDS Epidemic by 2030. This report is produced annually by a team of consultants who work closely with country rapporteurs at NAC.
SADC Epidemic Update
This report is presented to SADC in fulfillment of the requirements of the 2003 Maseru Declaration, among which is the requirement that SADC member states shall combat HIV and AIDS in all of its manifestations. This report is generated on an annual basis to reflect on the achievements notched up and challenges encountered with respect to the relentless combat against the HIV and AIDS epidemic.
Annual and Quarterly Technical Progress Reports
These reports are derived from routine programme data and seek to depict progress in achieving milestones under the four thematic areas of the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan (2015-2020), namely: Treatment, Care and Support; Prevention; Impact Mitigation as well as Program Management and Coordination.
Annual M&E Reports
Similar to the technical reports in some fundamental respects, these reports provide a much broader and in-depth analysis of the trends of the HIV epidemic, the impact and outcomes of the HIV programme as well as the performance of health systems and components thereof. Naturally, the bulk of the report sheds more light on the current status of the HIV and AIDS M&E system, particularly in terms of achievements and challenges