Community Linkage Groups (CLGs) Gets A Timely Boost

It was all joy and jubilation in Lilongwe, Area 47 at Malawi Network of AIDS Service Organizations (MANASO) offices as the Community Linkage Groups (CLGs) implementing community led monitoring received bicycles to help them ease mobility challenges and fisher jackets for visibility.The items were requested by the CLGs after noting gaps which existed in the course of implementing Community Led Monitoring (CLM) interventions.

With funding from Centers for Disease Control (CDC) through UNAIDS, MANASO is implementing the  Liu Lathu CLM project. Six districts of Lilongwe, Blantyre, Chikwawa, Thyolo, Mzimba North and Zomba where the project is being implemented will benefit from the donation covering 30 Health centers, 8 drop-in centers and 3 prisons across these districts.CLM improves accountability for quality of HIV response by strengthening community capacity to gather, analyse data; understand barriers to uptake of HIV services and help design measures to bridge the gap. This is in true theme of the community empowerment, Mphamvu ku Wanthu (Power to the People).

In her remarks, the Head of Coordination and Capacity Building at National AIDS Commission (NAC), Ms Tione Chilambe, touted CLM as catalytic to enriching the health service delivery. Ms Chilambe has advised the beneficiaries to embrace the spirit of integration by not only looking at issues that affect HIV, but health holistically.The CDC Acting Country Director, Nnameka C Iriemenam indicated that their support towards CLM should be looked at, as an investment in helping people to receive quality services.

UNAIDS Country Coordinator, Dr. David Chipanta  advised the beneficiaries to take good care of the bicycles for them to last long.MANASO Board chairperson, Mr Maziko Matemba indicated that these materials (60 bicycles) have been given to groups not to individuals. In receiving the donation, Lilongwe DHO on behalf of all the impact districts celebrated that the gift is timely since the branded materials will motivate the monitors in the course of carrying out their duties.

Through the Liu Lathu CLM project, 360 members have been trained as CLM monitors. These groups comprise of traditional leaders, faith leaders, youth representatives, People living with HIV and Key population. Some of the registered fruits of CLM include provision of a fence that improved privacy at Chingale H/C which ultimately improved ART adherence and increasing of staff houses at kafukule HC which improved human resource availability for health service delivery.

Symbolic handover of bicycles to CLGs. Ms Tione Chilambe (left), Nnameka C Iriemenam (second left), Mr Maziko Matemba (second right) and David Chipanta (fourth right) among the high level dignitaries presenting the donated items.

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